Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day #5

As you can tell I have gotten behind on my daily posting of workouts, so much to do so little time. Just take a few minutes today and workout hard, it will make you feel great! Happy cooking, cleaning, shopping, relaxing (ya right!)

Do sets of 10 for each exercise, repeat without rest. Complete 10 sets, time yourself, so you can push yourself to do it a little faster on another day when you need a quick overall body fat burning workout.

1. Sumo pushups: Following each pushup twist core slightly as you lift one arm shoulder height, alternate from left to right. Can also be done with knees bent if you wish, or on elbows if you have weak wrists. For an extra challenge try elevating feet on a chair.

2. Tuck jumps: Being mindful of good posture throughout, stand with knees bent, shoulder width apart, jump off the balls of your feet, tucking your knees up into your chest, landing back in starting position.

3. Get ups: Lie on a mat on your back, knees bent, as if you are doing crunches. with your hands clasped behind your head, sit up and place one foot on the ground so you can stand up, using your core, and your foot, stand up. If needed you can also put hands on the floor to help you up. Repeat

4. Pike jump Overs: Get in pike position on
your mat, rise up on your hands, or elbows, if necessary, with your tush raised, push off with your feet landing, with feet together, jump across mat from right to left.


  1. This workout took me 20 minutes and 50 sec. After 5 sets my arms were shot so for the rest of the workout I did regular pushups for the first 5 reps and then dropped to my knees for girl's pushups. Give it a try, it's another great total body workout, challenging your cardiovascular system as well.

  2. still panting 10 minutes after this workout that took me 35 minutes to's a great motivator to stay within your daily caloric needs, or in my case a punishment for eating too much today,,,a lesson I won't forget for a long time! Thanks,,,I think ;)
