Saturday, July 17, 2010

Run the Red Rock

I'm a runner. It all started with the 4th of July races at the park. From there it led to Jr. High, senior high, and college track and X country teams. With adulthood came road races, half marathons, and full marathons. Now my favorite running event is distance relays. I guess you could say that running has been a big part of my life. I love the sense of accomplishment it gives me, the hours of silent "me" time to think, dream and pray. But most importantly running has helped me develop my most treasured relationships. My best friends in the world have all been my running partners. I guess that is why I am so excited to tell you about an opportunity we have to run a distance relay with team "Lets get fitt". I got the bug to do a distance relay with my new "lets get fitt" friends (that's anyone who has ever looked on this blog), about a month ago while running the "Wasatch Back". Looking on-line I learned thatThe Red Rock Relay is September 10th and 11th, first I worried that the race would already be full. Finding out that it wasn't full I then worried that there was not enough time to find 12 team members. After talking to many of you at our workouts, I can see that there there may be enough interest. Now the trick is to get our 12 member team prepared for the event in time, because the race is only 7 weeks away.

This first year I am opening it up to all interested females. The cost of registering a team is $1100, which I won't do until I have 12 team members who have payed their $100 each. The extra $9 a person will go towards the cost of gas (this will not be enough to cover all the gas, so plan a bit more to help cover the cost of gas).

You need not be a fast runner. My focus is on the experience we will have while doing it, not the speed we do it in. The relay will require you to run three legs of this 180 mile relay race in mountainous terrain. While there is some variance in the distance each runner must run, most runners will need to run around 16 miles total in a 24 hour time period. If you have the desire to be, but are not yet a runner, we would love to have you on our team next year when there is sufficient time for you to prepare.

I hope to have our team set up and registered by this time next week. The race is capped at 200 and there is no way for me to know how much longer space will be available. Once I am sure that we have enough for a team, we can assign the legs, and begin to specialize our training. I will then begin posting workouts and running tips that will help you prepare for the race. Until then extend your 20 min. interval training 3x a week to 30 min. 2x a week, with one day a week endurance distance running.

Things to do today!

#1 Check out the relay web site at
#2 Tell your running friends about our team. "
#3 Mark Sept. 10th and 11th on your calendar as "Girls weekend"
#4 Get me $100 (sell something, it will be worth it!)
#5 Hurry, it could fill up fast!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

One of my clients has started a blog documenting her road to a more healthy life. I love what she has to say, but I especially love how she says it. I was thrilled to see that Charity has created the personal, captivating partner to my informative (dull) blog. I'm excited about what we can share together to help people looking to improve their health. I am posting her story below, with a link to her blog a Healthy Lifestyle... not a diet! check it out. I know you'll love her great wellness tips, and her personal approach. You can always find a link to her blog on the right of my home page under supporting blogs or under recommended books and sites on my home page tool bar. You can read her story any time by clicking on her name at the right side of my home page along with other soon-to-be posted success stories.

Please email me your success story. We look forward to hearing about you.

My Story

by Charity Davis

I have lost 35 pounds since April and feel great! I did it without pills, magic, or diets, I'm using a personal trainer. The first question that begs to be answered is: How can you afford to work with a personal trainer?

It involves a quick story, allow me to share:

Well, my good friend Melinda introduced me to her personal trainer
Georgia Palmer who she has been working with for about a year. Melinda and I had babies at the same time a couple years ago, I hadn't seen her in a year when, at Mother's Day weekend, we got together for a spring cattle roundup. I didn't recognize her. She looked 10 years younger and was so fit and healthy, I was shocked. I grilled her that weekend for details, sure it was something I couldn't do. But the more she talked, the more it made sense. It wasn't a diet, it was a healthy lifestyle, and she was doing it while raising kids and a has husband who's metabolism is running like a bullet bike.

I wanted in.

Well I met with Georgia Palmer a week after I saw Melinda and knew I had to give it a try. Basically Georgia is my free personal trainer as long as I am
a Melaleuca customer. Melalueca is a company that provides health products, vitamins, beauty products, home cleaning products, and more. Basically, if I buy these amazing products, stuff I normally buy at the grocery store, but through Melaleuca, and get a better products with greater quantity, quality, greater convenience and customer service, I get a free personal trainer to support me in my quest to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. I had to give it a try.

My Hubby has been so supportive. He says "I'd rather invest in good health now, then pay for poor health down the road." He's never wanted me on a diet, and when I explained how Melinda got to lookin' so healthy and fit he was on board.

It's been quite a journey and I've learned sooo much. Many roadblocks have been removed to help me progress and I know there's so much more to learn, but the system is in place and I trust it.